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Re-entry Permit

Bangladeshi nationals who lose their residence permit during their stay in Bangladesh or have a new passport issued in connection with name changes/expiry of their passport or who has lodged an application for extension of his/hers residence permit prior to leaving Denmark (see below) are requested to come in person to the Embassy of Denmark in Dhaka as soon as possible. The Embassy will contact the Danish Immigration Service and request authorization to issue a re-entry permit to Denmark. Please note that this process can take from a few days to several weeks and it is therefore important that the Embassy is informed as soon as possible. A photograph together with the below application form must be filled in.

If you have applied for an extension of your residence permit and you have to leave Denmark for one reason or the other, you are strongly encouraged to apply for a Re-entry permit BEFORE leaving Denmark. Likewise, if you know that your residence permit will expire during a shorter stay abroad you are encouraged to apply for a Re-entry BEFORE leaving Denmark.

Children under the age of 18
Children under 18, who follow their mother’s residence permit, should ensure that they have a re-entry permit stamped into their passport BEFORE they exit Denmark or else they will not be able to re-enter the country again. The Danish Immigration Service issues these re-entry permits (alternatively they can refer to the nearest issuing office).

If the child does not get a stamp in his/her passport before leaving Denmark, the child must contact the Embassy as soon as possible after arriving in Bangladesh. The Embassy will then contact the Danish Immigration Service to confirm whether or not a re-entry permit can be issued. Please note that this process can take from a few days to several weeks.

Here you can find forms for re-entry permit
Service Fee
Information about re-entry permit